Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Recipe: Cucumber Vinaigrette

Recipe: Cucumber Vinaigrette

1 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1 cup Red Wine Vinegar
1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons of pepper
2 tablespoons of Apriva (artificial sugar)
1 teaspoon garlic powder

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well

Can be used with sliced cucumbers and diced or sliced tomatoes for salads.

An ideal solution for bottling sliced cucumbers and sliced or diced tomatoes. Use 1 cup of the vinaigrette per quart of tomatoes or cucumbers. Turn the bottles upside down every few days to keep the contents well marinated.

Shake the vinaigrette well before placing on cucumbers or tomatoes – the pepper goes to the bottom of the container. Adding a sprinkle of pepper to the vegetables will also solve this problem.

Tomato marinade and salsa

Take the quart of tomatoes soaked with a cup of vinaigrette for a few days and puree the mixture and you will have a great marinade and bar-b-cue sauce. The combination is tasty and healthy.
 You can also take the same combination of tomatoes and vinaigrette; add two cups of chopped sweet onions and two (2) teaspoons of Italian spices. Mix well and you will have an excellent salsa for dipping. This salsa blended with ground meat (beef, turkey and chicken) makes a great hamburger. I use two heaped tablespoons of salsa with every cup of ground meat.

Most of these ideas came from watching my grandmother. At that time all I remember was two types of vinegar - a black vinegar and a white vinegar.

A. Hofmeister