Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tomatoes For Canning and Cooking

Tomatoes For Canning and Cooking

Tomatoes the Super Food.

It is Fall and the home garden is producing tomatoes by the bucket full. Every time I checked, the health  value of tomatoes has increased. A recent WebMD article reported on 10 reasons to eat tomatoes. Some of the reasons will certainly get your attention, such as a substantive reduction in the risk of pancreatic cancer. See My most recent effort to ensure that I have access to plenty of tomatoes all year is the canning of tomatoes as a salsa base. My most recent salsa recipe is a chili tomato salsa.


 Chili Tomato Salsa


Half of a 5 gallon bucket of tomatoes, diced, with skin on.
2 large green peppers.

1/2 cup of sugar or sugar substitute.

1 large sweet onion, diced.

1 packet Mrs. Wages Tomato Chili Base.
This chili base is easy to get from the Internet. If the Mrs. Wages Chili Base is not available, use 1 tablespoon chili powder, 1 tablespoon curry powder and 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce.

2 lbs. of medium tomato  salsa from the local grocery store

1 12 oz. can tomato paste

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

1/2 cup red wine or apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 cup dried potato flakes

Note: Many tomato canning recipes call for the removal of the skin. Wrong Move.  You substantively diminish the health properties of tomatoes when you remove the skin. If you have a problem with the skin, then dice the tomatoes very finely.

Combine all the ingredients in a large 10 quart-pot. Slow boil and stir for at least 30 minutes. Add the potato flakes and stir well just before bottling. This thickens the mixture.

This should make 7-8  one quart bottles.  With tomatoes you do not need to use a pressure cooker for the canning process. Steam canning will work fine because of the acidic content of the recipe. The vinegar certainly adds to the acidic content of the tomatoes.

Many Uses For Chili Tomato Salsa. 

This chili tomato salsa will provide the sauce for pasta and meat balls and similar pasta recipes. This salsa will provide the sauce for chili dishes. It will also serve as a salsa and chips dish. The sauce is great for use in a meat loaf recipe. For a quick tasty dish, brown one to two pounds of sliced Polish sausage, or bratwurst, with onions and green peppers, and a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan.  Add a quart of the  salsa. Bring to a slow boil and serve. This should take less than 15 minutes.

If Times Are difficult.

If their is an emergency or you are traveling light and you need a quick meal for yourself or a group try the following. You need cans of Spam, bottle/s of Chili Tomato Salsa and a loaf of bread. Allocate a cup of salsa, half a can of Spam and two slices of bread per person. Dice the Spam, brown the Spam in the bottom of a saucepan or "billy", add the salsa and bring to a slow boil while stirring, then serve over slices of bread.

For many years I enjoyed riding my motorcycle on the mountain roads of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. When camping by the roadside I made my meals with the aid of a "billy" and a campfire. The billy has been described as follows:
billycan, more commonly known simply as a billy or occasionally as a billy can (billy tin in Canada), is a lightweight cooking pot which is used on a campfire or a camping stove.

See November 11, 2010 posting for more on cooking with Spam.

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